Saturday Night Live famous quotes


  • The Pro-Life cause is the preeminent cause of our time, and this struggle between the gospel of life and the culture of death will determine the destiny of mankind.

  • I've always believed that if you support reform or you support a particular idea that you ought to fund that idea first and not the system.

  • The world needs someone to look up to-like you. A national leader remarked, "There comes a time when we must take a stand-when we draw a line in the dust and say, 'Beyond this line, we do not go.'"

  • When the old poets made some virtue their theme, they were not teaching but adoring,

  • Never go to sleep without a request to your subconscious.

  • Sell is tough. It's the worst, it's the most difficult thing of all.

  • You have to kill to survive. People have been doing it forever. I eat meat, and I eat fish. If I were on a deserted island I would need that to survive.

  • And I have asked to be Where no storms come, Where the green swell is in the havens dumb, And out of the swing of the sea.

  • Anytime it was advertised that I was going to be at a particular place, the radicals would be there, the cameras with TV news.

  • Few gynecologists recommend to their heterosexual patients the most foolpoof of solutions, namely, misterectomy.