Answering Questions famous quotes

52 minutes ago

  • You're never terrified when you say what you mean - are you?

  • I know that you observe Christmas Day as you learned it at home. I do not observe it. However, as assistant director of this prison, I allow all the Catholics to observe freely and with some joy this day in this home.

  • Steven Tyler isn't in Aerosmith anymore, but his gravestone will probably say something about Aerosmith.

  • It is the tyranny of hidden prejudices that makes us deaf to what speaks to us in tradition.

  • What we have to continue to remind ourselves is that violence is a choice.

  • I'm very much in favor of focused responsibility, and so in the main areas that I'm worried about, I try to have a single person who is basically the key person in that area.

  • There is this thing called Actors Access, which is run by the breakdown services. What they do is they put up casting notices that are available to everyone. Because there's thousands and thousands of actors and there are student films and grad student films and, sometimes, some small independent projects that are on there.

  • I was obliged to be industrious. Whoever is equally industrious will succeed equally well.

  • You & I, Love, together we ratify the silence, while the sea destroys its perpetual statues, collapses its towers of wild speed and whiteness: because in the weavings of those invisible fabrics, galloping water, incessant sand, we make the only permanent tenderness.

  • Love is scary because it pulls you in with an intense force, a supermassive black hole which looks like nothing from the outside but from the inside challenges every reasonable thing you know. You lose yourself, like I lost myself, in the warmest of annihilations.