God Is There famous quotes


  • Think of God not as a word, or a stranger, or as someone on high, waiting to judge and punish you. Think of Him as you would want to be thought of if you were God.

  • I was taken by the power that savoring a simple cup of coffee can have to connect people and create community.

  • You don't have to do everything right as a parent, but there is one thing you cannot afford to get wrong. That one thing is prayer. You'll never be a perfect parent, but you can be a praying parent. Prayer is your highest privilege as a parent. There is nothing you can do that will have a higher return on investment. In fact, the dividends are eternal.

  • I will only make pictures that I won't be ashamed to have my children see.

  • Well-meaning, decent people will condemn the behavior of a Ted Bundy, while they're walking past a magazine rack full of the very kinds of things that send young kids down the road to be Ted Bundys.

  • Variety of uniformities makes complete beauty.

  • Some of the ideas are kind of inspired by the songs, and I always want to use music to tell the story and give the movie a certain kind of mood. That's always essential to me.

  • You're The Grinch, Cole! That's why you don't like it.

  • I haven't even read everything I wrote.

  • The Ocean Health Index is like the thermometer of the ocean. It will allow us to take the temperature to know what is going on at the global level, trying to integrate different impacts, including overfishing, invasive species, coastal development, and climate change.