Mesh famous quotes

52 minutes ago

  • In college I studied '60s and '70s radicalism, student activism, forms of political violence, groups like the Weathermen, the Black Panthers, the Symbionese Liberation Army, the New Left.

  • I now want more time to devote to politics and more freedom to do so.

  • The mid-life crisis hits men harder than women.

  • People have a hard time believing that, but not having a father around, being shy, I just never participated in sports much.

  • The Republican path to victory is compromised when gay Americans are perceived as being attacked for just being how God created them.

  • Time Warner has called and they want us all back on the couch, just consuming - not producing, not sharing - and we should say, 'No.'

  • [I]t is tragic that the forces for destruction that we unleashed are stronger than man's present ability to control them.

  • Through our entire history we have become accustomed to pushing [animals] around in ways dictated by our own wants and needs without much regard for theirs.

  • The hood ornament on your car is for telling you where you're going. The rear-view-mirror is for showing you how good you look while you're getting there.

  • When my babe was born, they said it was premature. It weighed only four pounds; but God let it live.