International Peace famous quotes


  • Has it ever occurred to you that nothing occurs to God?

  • The EU remains our dream. We must not give it up. Otherwise Putin would win. His goal is to undermine the EU. This is not only about a conflict between Russia and Ukraine. Russia is fighting against the West and its values. Therefore, the European project of Ukraine must not fail. We know that this aim requires successful reforms in Ukraine, even if they hurt now.

  • Fiction is the lie through which we tell the truth.

  • Sometimes, I see and hear stories, especially those that involve children, and I wonder if this is hell and we are trying to get into heaven.

  • Initially, when I was making the bagpipes and reed instruments, it was different from the other instruments. In terms of sound itself, it may not be different, but in performing with it, it was a necessity to build it if I was going to perform and make scores with it. By making the instruments, it helped me compose the way I want.

  • It's nice to think people might be talking about it after they've seen it. With some comedies it's a bit 'wham bam thank you ma'am', and then you just go for a pizza.

  • We are professionals. We are going to finish that way. In reality, how we conduct ourselves in this period and how well our players play will be as good an interview as you can do - better than anything you could say.

  • Saddam has committed many crimes against humanity and against his own people.

  • Hands, matches, an ashtray. A ritual beautiful and bitter.

  • I have made plenty of mistakes. The key to life is to learn from them. I have been a little too introspective, but I think that stemmed from insecurity or shyness. I took a long time to grow up.