Fly Away famous quotes
Performers and their public should never meet. Once the curtain comes down, the performer should fly away like a magician's dove.
-- Edith Piaf -
Love must have wings to fly away from love, And to fly back again.
-- Edwin Arlington Robinson -
Abridge your hopes in proportion to the shortness of the span of human life; for while we converse, the hours, as if envious of our pleasure, fly away: enjoy, therefore, the present time, and trust not too much to what to-morrow may produce.
-- Horace -
If you lose an opportunity you will be like one who lets the bird fly away; you will never get it back.
-- John of the Cross -
My life flies away like a dream: Why should I stay behind?
-- Julia Golding -
I want to get away, I want to fly away. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
-- Lenny Kravitz -
Our advantages fly away without aid. Pluck the flower. [Lat., Nostra sine auxilio fugiunt bona. Carpite florem.]
-- Ovid -
I have wished a bird would fly away, And not sing by my house all day....
-- Robert Frost