Support Systems famous quotes


  • The majority of Americans get their news and information about what is going on with their government from entities that are licensed by and subject to punishment at the hands of that very government.

  • In order to be able to make it, you have to put aside the fear of failing and the desire of succeeding. You have to do these things completely and purely without fear, without desire. Because things that we do without lust of result are the purest actions we shall ever take.

  • I'm not incredibly hipster. I wasn't cool enough to handle it.

  • I'm scattered, and then that last hundred pages, bam, I'm a laser.

  • I expect to make big plays. And when I don't, I'm upset about it.

  • I go to him as a baby goes to his mother so that he can fill me and invade all and take me in his arms.

  • You can always tell you're in trouble when the good option involves a prosthetic leg.

  • The old movie stars like Bogart, James Cagney, Jimmy Stewart, they weren't this gorgeous, striking six-foot man who's rippled with muscles.

  • You don't hear no artists from Compton showing vulnerability.

  • I'd like to rescue people in trouble, like Superman.