Analog famous quotes


  • You can't educate people that are not healthy. But you certainly can't keep them healthy if they're not educated.

  • The work of creation is never without travail.

  • Objectivity is of the very essence of photography, its contribution and at the same time its limitation

  • He lacked tenderness; he was rude; and he had more than a streak of cruelty in him; he was a thief and a liar. He stood for everything she feared and hated and despised; but she knew she could love him... This was no choice made with the mind.

  • Some people tried to hurt us to protect themselves, their family and communities...This was one of the consequences of civil war. People stopped trusting each other, and every stranger became an enemy. Even people who knew you became extremely careful about how they related or spoke to you.

  • If we take the Lord's hand and let ourselves be guided by him, the path we take will be right and good.

  • Creative power flourishes only when I am living in the present.

  • I get mail; therefore I am.

  • Never follow the crowd in what you do; the crowd has never produced anything of lasting quality, value or beauty.

  • You don't have sex near unicorns. It's an ironclad rule. It's tacky.