Deserve The Best famous quotes


  • I know where there is more wisdom than is found in Napoleon, Voltaire, or all the ministers present and to come - in public opinion.

  • ...[Y]ou have an inner strength that makes it possible for you to do things other people couldn't even begin to think of doing.

  • Is it possible that there are no coincidences?

  • I think the real, fundamental problem that the Republicans have is, 'How do we get meaner, how do we get nastier with immigrants, so that we can take a smaller group,' now apparently led by Senator Cruz - I mean, maybe he's gonna be the next Speaker of the House. Because it's quite clear that Mr. Boehner has no control over this conference.

  • What one man can invent, another can discover.

  • Truly, if faith is there, the believer cannot hold back... he breaks out into good works.

  • The more prosperous and settled a nation, the more readily it tends to think of war as a regrettable accident; to nations less fortunate the chance of war presents itself as a possible bountiful friend.

  • Tony Bennett, you've helped us share the magic of San Francisco around the world.

  • I'm convinced of this: Good done anywhere is good done everywhere.

  • In the lack of judgment great harm arises, but one vote cast can set right a house.