Lying Men famous quotes


  • I know people for whom the search for how to be well has been a positive journey. It's empowering to face your issues and try and take care of yourself. It can be positive too.

  • All my games are real

  • The past is a candle at great distance: too close to let you quit, too far to comfort you.

  • Be of good cheer about death and know this as a truth, that no evil can happen to a good man, either in life or after death

  • Goodwill to others is constructive thought. It helps build you up. It is good for your body. It makes vour blood purer, your muscles stronger, and your whole form more symmetrical in shape. It is the real elixir of life. The more such thought you attract to you, the more life you will have.

  • Let us join Paul and declare anathema upon anyone who loves not the Lord Jesus. (I Cor 16:22)

  • The secret of a happy marriage is to serve God and each other. The goal of marriage is unity and oneness, as well as self-development. Paradoxically, the more we serve one another, the greater is our spiritual and emotional growth.

  • I'm not a serious person, and I don't like serious people.

  • The thing that bothered me when I was in college was that I saw myself rejecting the way of life that got me to where I was.

  • Women are so enigmatical – some in everything – all in matters of the heart. Don't they sometimes actually admire what is repulsive?...