Stand Up Comedian famous quotes


  • The rule should be HS students should be allowed to pursue their career

  • First there was Greek civilization. Then there was the Renaissance. Now we’re entering the Age of the Ass.

  • Why should I live my whole life where I don't want to be. [it's a good point - pretty hard to argue with that sort of logic really isn't it!

  • Flies purify the air, and plays - the morals.

  • First, the three of us holed up in winter in a cabin and took the 500 hours down to twelve hours. Then we found an editor, Lambis Haralambidis. He took that twelve hours and brought it to five. Then we get together and started taking the ax and chopping off different parts of our film.

  • When you're sick, you present your medicare card, not your credit card...

  • War is always a matter of doing evil in the hope that good may come of it.

  • Terrorism is usually fueled by poverty, and the fanatical faith of the terrorists who truly believe that the more people they kill who do not subscribe to their faith, the greater their reward in heaven.

  • You may think it all very fine, Mr. Huntingdon, to amuse yourself with rousing my jealousy; but take care you don't rouse my hate instead. And when you have once extinguished my love, you will find it no easy matter to kindle it again.

  • I am trying to present objects in the simplest way possible, and I don't want to supply too much context.