Charles D. Hayes
"Of course, peer pressure has a strong positive component. It provides the social cohesion that allows the very development of communal affiliation. But peer power as an extrinsic force is a lot like radiation: a little goes a long way." --
Charles D. Hayes
#Strong Quotes
#Long Quotes
#Peer Pressure Quotes
“Some people say love is a losing game, you start with fire and you lose the flame. The ashes smolder, but the warmth's soon gone, you end up cold and lonely on your own.”
“Everything I did growing up was with that as the real goal - doing Broadway; doing theatre. That was always the big thrill for me.”
Source : Source: www.broadwayworld.com
“People see rock and roll as, as youth culture, and when youth culture becomes monopolised by big business, what are the youth to do? Do you, do you have any idea? I think we should destroy the bogus capitalist process that is destroying youth culture.”
“You don't make a poem with ideas, but with words.”
“I think that dwelling on other people's perception of you is the road to complete madness, unfortunately. I try and resist that.”
“True abundance has nothing to do with what I am having, but everything to do with what I am being.”
“Cartooning is completely different from other media: it is closely related to film and prose, other narrative forms, but the skills needed to realize a story are very different, and include not only drawing and writing dialogue and narration, but graphic design and the ability to depict time passing visually. It's a whole suite of skills that has to go into making a comics page, skills that are quite distinct from those that go into writing a page of prose, or making a film.”
“Over to the jukebox I staggered for a love song to scatter my body before her.”
Source : Song: Lager and Ale