Jeffrey K. Zeig famous quotes


  • No matter what's happening in the Middle East - the Arab Spring, et cetera, the economic challenges, high rates of unemployment - the emotional, critical issue is always the Israeli-Palestinian one.

  • The best introductory guide to forestry practices and the issues surrounding the preservation of American forests.

  • Teach the children so it will not be necessary to teach the adults.

  • The wish to be understood may be our most vengeful demand, may be the way we hang on, as asults, to our grudge against our mothers; the way we never let our mothers off the hook for their not meeting our every need. Wanting to be understood, as adults, can be our most violent form of nostalgia.

  • I am not writing in metaphors. I am writing about catastrophes.

  • The recognition that no knowledge can be complete, no metaphor entire, is itself humanizing. It counteracts fanaticism. It grants even to adversaries the possibility of partial truth, and to oneself the possibility of error.

  • You have to put your own oxygen mask before you put on others... It's a good metaphor for parenting

  • The price of metaphor is eternal vigilance.

  • Any supreme insight is a metaphor.

  • God has neither form nor shape under which we can know Him; when he speaks of Himself in metaphors and similes, He is adapting Himself to our foolishness, our limited capacity.