#Wheels Quotes
“I have no ethics when it comes to art. You just do what you can to make it as beautiful as you can.”
Source : "Biography/Personal Quotes". www.imdb.com.
“For whoever habitually suppresses the truth in the interests of tact will produce a deformity from the womb of his thought.”
Source : B.H. Liddell Hart (2015). “Why Don't We Learn from History?”, p.62, Lulu Press, Inc
“Yes, (Bush is a) racist. We all knew that but the world is only finding it out now. As Texas's governor, Bush led a penitentiary system that executed more people than all the other U.S. states together. And most of the people who died from (the) death penalty were Afro-Americans or Hispanics. (Bush) promoted a Conservative program, designed to eliminate everything Americans had accomplished so far in matters of race and equality.”
“I like black for clothes, small items, and jewelry. It's a color that can't be violated by any other colors. A color that simply keeps being itself. A color that sinks more somberly than any other color, yet asserts itself more than all other colors. It's a passionate gallant color. Anything is wonderful if it transcends things rather than being halfway...”
“Beauty is a gift of God.”
“I learned about stress management from my kids. Every night after work, I drink some chocolate milk, eat sugary cereal straight from the box, then run around the house in my underwear screaming like a monkey.”
“God is our loving Father who loves his children perfectly. So, every part of his Word is an expression of his love to us.”
Source : Source: www.biblegateway.com
“It's nice to feel needed... it's better to feel wanted.”
Emma Pooley Professional Road Racing Cyclist
Kristin Armstrong Olympic athlete