Kristin Armstrong famous quotes
There is something magical about running; after a certain distance, it transcends the body. Then a bit further, it transcends the mind. A bit further yet, and what you have before you, laid bare, is the soul.
-- Kristin Armstrong -
Running is always an exercise in humility.
-- Kristin Armstrong -
Do the things you used to talk about doing but never did. Know when to let go and when to hold on tight. Stop rushing. Don't be intimidated to say it like it is. Stop apologizing all the time. Learn to say no, so your yes has some oomph. Spend time with the friends who lift you up, and cut loose the ones who bring you down. Stop giving your power away. Be more concerned with being interested than being interesting. Be old enough to appreciate your freedom, and young enough to enjoy it. Finally know who you are.
-- Kristin Armstrong -
Embrace your sweat. It is your essence and your emancipation.
-- Kristin Armstrong -
As I get older I see that running has changed for me. What used to be about burning calories is now more about burning up what is false. Lies I used to tell myself about who I was and what I could do, friendships that cannot withstand hills or miles, the approval I no longer need to seek, and solidarity that cannot bear silence. I run to burn up what I don't need and ignite what I do.
-- Kristin Armstrong -
I write about the power of trying, because I want to be okay with failing. I write about generosity because I battle selfishness. I write about joy because I know sorrow. I write about faith because I almost lost mine, and I know what it is to be broken and in need of redemption. I write about gratitude because I am thankful - for all of it.
-- Kristin Armstrong -
Without running, I would have missed the joy of rain. What could be considered an inconvenience or a bummer to the inexperienced is actually a gift. Without running, I would miss a lot of things-like seeing cities in a certain way, or knowing certain people all the way to the core. I'm glad we don't experience life through glass, under cover, or from the sidelines. Good things take miles.
-- Kristin Armstrong -
I want to get more comfortable being uncomfortable. I want to get more confident being uncertain. I don't want to shrink back just because something isn't easy. I want to push back, and make more room in the area between I can't and I can.
-- Kristin Armstrong -
When we focus on our gratitude, the tide of disappointment goes out and the tide of love rushes in.
-- Kristin Armstrong -
I think I run my strongest when I run with joy, with gratitude, with focus, with grace. With that strategy in place I can push myself for pleasure, not punishment. Maybe you can only really go when you let go.
-- Kristin Armstrong -
In the midst of regular life, running is the touchstone that breathes adventure into my soul.
-- Kristin Armstrong -
A run has never returned me exactly the same. I go, I grow.
-- Kristin Armstrong -
If we write our dreams and goals down, we dramatically increase our odds of realization. If we share them with others, they become potent and alive.
-- Kristin Armstrong -
I find significance in all kinds of small details when I run; I'm hyper aware of my surroundings, the sensations in my body, and the thoughts running through my mind. Everything is clearer, heightened. I might be more addicted to this clarity than I am to running itself.
-- Kristin Armstrong -
Learn to say no, so your yes has some oomph.
-- Kristin Armstrong -
I think I get used to, even addicted to, the feelings associated with the end of a long training run. I love feeling empty, clean, worn out, starving, and sweat-purged. I love the good ache of muscles that have done me proud. I love the way a cold beer tastes later that afternoon. I love the way my body feels light and sinewy.
-- Kristin Armstrong -
Running has taken me in, and continues to comfort, heal and challenge me in all kinds of magical ways. I am not a 'good runner' because I am me. I am a good 'me' because I am a runner.
-- Kristin Armstrong -
When the seasons shift, even the subtle beginning, the scent of a promised change, I feel something stir inside me. Hopefulness? Gratitude? Openness? Whatever it is, it's welcome.
-- Kristin Armstrong -
Times of transition are strenuous, but I love them. They are an opportunity to purge, rethink priorities, and be intentional about new habits. We can make our new normal any way we want.
-- Kristin Armstrong -
When it comes down to it, determination has a greater impact than giftedness.
-- Kristin Armstrong -
It's not only moving that creates new starting points. Sometimes all it takes is a subtle shift in perspective, an opening of the mind, an intentional pause and reset, or a new route to start to see new options and new possibilities.
-- Kristin Armstrong -
When everything is moving and shifting, the only way to counteract chaos is stillness. When things feel extraordinary, strive for ordinary. When the surface is wavy, dive deeper for quieter waters.
-- Kristin Armstrong -
We postpone the finality of heartbreak by clinging to hope. Though this might be acceptable during early or transitional stages of grief, ultimately it is no way to live. We need both hands free to embrace life and accept love, and that's impossible if one hand has a death grip on the past.
-- Kristin Armstrong -
Take care of yourself. Eat well, rest, train hard and smart, make time to think and breathe. Be intentional with your time.
-- Kristin Armstrong -
I think I run my strongest when I run with joy, with gratitude, with focus, with grace.
-- Kristin Armstrong -
I love the big fresh starts, the clean slates like birthdays and new years, but I also really like the idea that we can get up every morning and start over.
-- Kristin Armstrong -
Running fills a need so we make fewer demands on others. Running reveals the roots of negative thinking, so the weeds can be pulled. Running reconnects the soul to the source, inspiring hope and creativity.
-- Kristin Armstrong -
Typically creative people are usually not clock-slaves or list-makers, so the idea of enforcing goals and deadlines can be somewhat daunting.
-- Kristin Armstrong -
Disappointment is a sticky one, because no one can steal contentment, joy, gratitude, or peace - we have to give it away...
-- Kristin Armstrong -
Whatever you may be missing right now - a person, a place, a feeling, maybe you are injured and missing running - whatever it is, have peace and take heart - remember that any goodbye makes room for a hello.
-- Kristin Armstrong -
Thank God for running. It is the ultimate detox for me, whether my poison is bubbles, a foul mood, or a bad attitude. If I combat inertia, get out, and get moving, eventually every kind of toxin works its way out.
-- Kristin Armstrong -
That's what our training is for, we practice not panicking, we practice breathing, we practice looking directly at the thing that scares us until we stop flinching, we practice overriding our Can't.
-- Kristin Armstrong -
I love the thought of not knowing how things will turn out but the willingness to invest anyway.
-- Kristin Armstrong -
We either live with intention or exist by default.
-- Kristin Armstrong -
The best thing to do when you find yourself in a hurting or vulnerable place is to surround yourself with the strongest, finest, most positive people you know.
-- Kristin Armstrong -
Running is a grownup's lost link to playing outside.
-- Kristin Armstrong -
Every mile marker can be met with some measure of trepidation, in a race or in life. Am I on target? Do I have what it takes to finish strong? Am I taking care to stay nourished so I can endure? Is my training proving to be sufficient? Am I prepared for the hills? It is impossible to fathom the full distance, so we make our way to the next mile marker, and the next, checking in with ourselves as we go.
-- Kristin Armstrong -
Perhaps love's greatest gift--that it is indeed unconditional--is also its greatest curse.
-- Kristin Armstrong -
I avoid the carwash when I think it might rain anytime in the near future, which means I drive around the majority of the time in a pollen and bird poop covered car. This presents a stand off between Neat Freakshow and Practical Pennypincher, and Neat Freak usually triumphs. And then it rains.
-- Kristin Armstrong -
Life is too sweet and too short to express our affection with just our thumbs. Touch is meant for more than a keyboard.
-- Kristin Armstrong -
It truly is a little intimidating to go speak at a middle school. Sure, on one hand the kids are only around 13 years old, but on the other hand, merely going back there reactivates the dorky, miserable feeling of being that age again. It isn't easy. As soon as I arrived I could almost feel the braces on my teeth, the don't-look-at-me slouch of my shoulders, the feathered wings of my bangs.
-- Kristin Armstrong -
Sweat has the power to end a pity party in such a way that even the hostess is happy.
-- Kristin Armstrong -
To me, there is no greater way to achieve clarity than to run alone, or share miles with a trusted friend.
-- Kristin Armstrong
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