“I think [Wine] will be, at a minimum, incredibly useful to archeology, like DosBox has been for playing Wing Commander. Certainly it has been known to save the day with modern titles, too. But to have it as the agreed-upon way to how you play video games on Linux is completely unacceptable for several reasons, both technical and moral.”
Source : Interview with Luboš Doležel, www.abclinuxu.cz. March 08, 2011.
“On the show, you have to be more charismatic, a little smoother, but I think I can still be that prince of darkness. You just have to learn the tricks of the TV trade as well.”
“My fines? I pay more fines than some guys' career prize money on the tour.”
“Alliances and partnerships produce stability when they reflect realities and interests.”
“There is no scientific theory that could lead us from a detailed map of every single neuron in someone's brain to a conscious experience. We don't even have the beginnings of a theory whose conclusion would be "such a system is conscious.”
“If it be true that democracy is based upon the assumption that every man shall serve his fellow man, the organization of democracy should be gradually adapted to that assumption.”
Source : Herbert Croly (2005). “The Promise of American Life”, p.418, Cosimo, Inc.
“You can only do good if you feel good.”
“...men can only be highly civilized while other men, inevitably less civilized, are there to guard and feed them.”