Steven Pearlstein famous quotes

50 minutes ago

  • The soul of the slave, the soul of the "little man," is as dear to me as the soul of the great.

  • I was a common man, and I will always remain a common man. No amount of stardom will ever consume my soul. Money comes, money goes. Fame comes, fame goes. I believe every human being is a celebrity in their own right.

  • I don't know of a soul who packed more living into 72 years than Charles Lindbergh did.

  • I held his gaze. I could see the storm in his eyes. I knew he was confused. I could see the fear. Then there was the love. I saw it. The fierceness in his eyes. I believed it. I could see it clearly. But it was too late now. The love wasn't enough. Everyone always said that love was enough. It wasn't. Not when your soul was shattered.

  • The other part of outsourcing is this: it simply says where the work can be done outside better than it can be done inside, we should do it.

  • And just remember, every dollar we spend on outsourcing is spent on U.S. goods or invested back in the U.S. market. That's accounting.

  • I don't have to agree with you to like you or respect you.

  • You can never find a candidate that will agree with everything you believe. Then you would just have a clone and that doesn't exist.

  • I agree that all good photographs are documents, but I also know that all documents are certainly not good photographs. Furthermore, a good photographer does not merely document, he probes the subject, he ‘uncovers’ it …

  • When all the experts and forecasts agree, something else is going to happen

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