Casey Hudson famous quotes

50 minutes ago

  • I had Lana and she was the number one player on my team

  • My music lives because of real players.

  • I feel like Josh, Michelle and Adam were all team players, who wanted to be a part of an ensemble.

  • Assistant coaches become a little bit more buddies to the players than a head coach.

  • Consider what kind of car you get. Buy cars and other products that have the least impact environmentally.

  • The safety-obsessed church lacks the inner dynamic to foster profound missional impact in our time.

  • Conservation is getting nowhere because it is incompatible with our Abrahamic concept of land. We abuse land because we regard it as a commodity belonging to us. When we see land as a community to which we belong, we may begin to use it with love and respect. There is no other way for land to survive the impact of mechanized man, nor for us to reap from it the aesthetic harvest it is capable, under science, of contributing to culture

  • The key to making healthy decisions is to respect your future self. Honor him or her. Treat him or her like you would treat a friend or a loved one.

  • It seems like people my age are over-protected today, even to the point where a lot of parents refuse to put their kids in the position to make important decisions, to aspire to great things, because they don't want to put them in a position to fail.

  • Venture capitalists are like lemmings jumping on the software bandwagon.

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