Eddie Montgomery famous quotes


  • Married sex is like being awake during your own autopsy. It is root canal work without anesthetic.

  • The main ingredient of the first quantum revolution, wave-particle duality, has led to inventions such as the transistor and the laser that are at the root of the information society.

  • This submission to the threshold of a cross is at the very root of our following Jesus; it changes the game completely.

  • Unless the chemist learns the language of mathematics, he will become a provincial and the higher branches of chemical work, that require reason as well as skill, will gradually pass out of his hands.

  • . . . [The Judicial Branch] may truly be said to have neither FORCE nor WILL, but merely judgment; and must ultimately depend upon the aid of the executive arm even for the efficacy of its judgments.

  • The sincerity of the art worker must permeate the song as naturally as the green leaves break through the dead branches in springtime.

  • My present work concerns the problems connected with the theory of elementary particles, the theory of gravitation and cosmology and I shall be glad if I can manage to make some contribution to these important branches of science.

  • Success can be attained in any branch of labor. There’s always room at the top in every pursuit.

  • I've never before been so aware of the thousands of little good things, the thousands of things that go right every day.

  • A tiny remnant of a big thing is better than a whole little thing.

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