Christopher Egan famous quotes


  • It's Friday and I'm ready to swing. Pick up my girls and hit the party scene.

  • What are you doing?" "I'm going to enjoy a long overdue make-out session with my girl. That's what I'm doing." I explained, stepping into the room and closing the door behind me with one shove of my foot.

  • I love you the moon and back.

  • As far as the grunge thing, there are three bands from Seattle that I would call true grunge.

  • My first album was completed in three months.

  • The Freemen have 987 levels of membership, the first three of which are achieved merely by filling out an application. The 8th level is granted upon full acceptance into the local lodge, the 13th following Initiation, the 21st at the end of the Initiate's second week, and the 89th the first time he brings snacks.

  • I love Pilates, I really do, and I do it three times a week because it works well for me.

  • The righteous one has no sense of humor.

  • The future isn't just something that happens. It's a brutal force, with a great sense of humor, that'll steamroll you if you're not watching.

  • The universe may not always play fair, but at least it's got a hell of a sense of humor.