Alan Dale famous quotes


  • I am a little suspicious of industry paradigms. I feel like so many movies and TV shows feel so familiar because of over-reliance on these paradigms.

  • I like the consistency of a TV show, but I like it for three months out of my year, not nine.

  • There's so many more better TV shows than films coming out, in my opinion.

  • You and your scars. Please! You don't kill youself like this!" I gesture, holding a wrist turned up to the ceiling, then pretending to cut across it with my other hand. "That's just a cry for help. That's just attention. Everbody knows that. Cutting across just gets you to the hospital. That's just from movies and TV shows and stuff like that. You didn't really try to kill yourself. you just wanted attention, but you screwed up. Try harder next time.

  • I love it when the Bible gives Emily Post-like tips that are both wise and easy to follow.

  • There is a certain indolence in us, a wish not to be disturbed, which tempts us to think that when things are quiet, all is well. Subconsciously, we tend to give the preference to 'social peace,' though it be only apparent, because our lives and possessions seem then secure. Actually, human beings acquiesce too easily in evil conditions; they rebel far too little and too seldom. There is nothing noble about acquiescence in a cramped life or mere submission to superior force.

  • He gives me the hairy eyeball, and asks me to help him find his pancreas.

  • The anxiety of not knowing what my next gig is keeps me hungry.

  • The Stones always tried to do the odd smaller gig when they could.

  • I decided I'd never do a series again, but I was offered a pilot for a series through Eddy Murphy Productions, and that was the gig that got me Parker Lewis.