Keith Teare famous quotes


  • Salvation for a race, nation or class must come from within.

  • Usually when you ask somebody in college why they are there, they'll tell you it's to get an education. The truth of it is, they are there to get the degree so that they can get ahead in the rat race. Too many college radicals are two-timing punks. The only reason you should be in college is to destroy it.

  • I believe that the only way that the human race is gonna survive is to start colonizing space and setting up colonies on the moon, and then space stations.

  • True love is a lack of desire to check one's smartphone in another's presence.

  • The challenge of modern relationships: how to prove more interesting than the other's smartphone.

  • From the first time I held an iPhone, the space has evolved quickly, and people have shifted from reading content on their desktops to smartphones and iPads, even long-form stuff.

  • Of course smartphones are brilliant inventions, but the nefarious thing about Twitter and other social media is that it starts to fill all the gaps in your day. I quickly become an addict.

  • The greatest need of our age and of every age, the greatest need of every human heart, is to know the resources and sufficiency of God.

  • I cannot bear not to know the end of a tale. I will read the most trivial things – once commenced – only out of a feverish greed to be able to swallow the ending – sweet or sour – and to be done with what I need never have embarked on. Are you in my case? Or are you a more discriminating reader? Do you lay aside the unprofitable?

  • I don't want to abandon one work for the other, and I don't think I need to sacrifice anything to put my all into either one of them.