Dawn Johnsen famous quotes

50 minutes ago

  • Abortion can never be safe. Any procedure where "success" means the killing of another human being can certainly not be safe.

  • I frankly don't care if you agree with my stand on abortion. I take that stand because no other stand is consistent with decent principles, and no other standard is consistent with the will of God.

  • A majority, perhaps as many as 75 percent, of abortion clinics are in areas with high minority populations. Abortion apologists will say this is because they want to serve the poor. You don't serve the poor, however, by taking their money to terminate their children.

  • Andrew Saul is John Hall in a business suit. He's wrong on the war, on national security, immigration, abortion. He's Sue Kelly all over again.

  • Mithridates, he died old. Housman's passage is based on the belief of the ancients that Mithridates the Great [c. 135-63 B.C.] had so saturated his body with poisons that none could injure him. When captured by the Romans he tried in vain to poison himself, then ordered a Gallic mercenary to kill him.

  • You are not a body. You have a body. You are a soul.

  • When language is treated beautifully and interestingly, it can feel good for the body: It's nourishing; it's rejuvenating.

  • What I do for a living is re-create human emotion, and that's a pretty weird thing to do from nine till five.

  • If you do not give the tenth part to God, he will take the nine parts.

  • Maybe I'm misjudging people, but I feel like a lot of people still have an image of me in a bonnet at nine years old.

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