Robert Langlands famous quotes

Last updated: Sep 5, 2024

  • Put aside ambition for public recognition, and simply do what you do because it feels good inside.

  • It's incredible considering the public perception that he was tight fisted and he was more than prudent, and lacked ambition to take Tottenham to where the fans wanted them to be.

  • First Conjuration Addressed to Emperor Lucifer. Emperor Lucifer, Master and Prince of Rebellious Spirits, I adjure thee to leave thine abode, in what-ever quarter of the world it may be situated and come hither to communicate with me.

  • Priests might divide the world into good and bad. In battle there was strong and weak and nothing else.

  • Very few people changed the world by sitting on their couch.

  • Music is what mathematics does on a Saturday night.

  • Without mathematics, we are blind.

  • Mathematics are well and good but Nature keeps dragging us around by the nose.

  • We know that nature is described by the best of all possible mathematics because God created it. So there is a chance that the best of all possible mathematics will be created out of physicists' attempts to describe nature.

  • I changed the course of my life, from the rigidity of mathematics and the corporate rhythm to a more bohemian world.

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