Pierre Deligne famous quotes


  • Animal cruelty is one of the most unfortunate and barbaric demonstrations of human beings manipulating ill conceived notions of ‘power’ over other species.

  • One is a socialist because one used to be one, no longer going to demonstrations, attending meetings, sending in one's dues, in short, without paying.

  • I beg you not to resort to demonstrations, for they have become nothing but burned paper.

  • I have a truly marvellous demonstration of this proposition which this margin is too narrow to contain.

  • Mathematical reasoning may be regarded...

  • I never use a computer.

  • I knew that he was as reliable as a mathematical formula.

  • When I give this talk to a physics audience, I remove the quotes from my 'Theorem'.

  • If you had done something twice, you are likely to do it again.

  • There is a mathematical formula to why you got famous. It isn’t some magical thing that just started happening.

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