Ring Lardner, Jr. famous quotes


  • What is irritating about love is that it is a crime that requires an accomplice.

  • If grass can grow through cement, love can find you at every time in your life.

  • I really just want to be warm yellow light that pours over everyone I love.

  • Everyone wants a hug and kiss. It translates into any language.

  • When love is suppressed hate takes its place.

  • One bright and thankful look at the cross is worth a thousand morbid, self-condemning reflections.

  • Reality is like a fruitcake; pretty enough to look at but with all sorts of nasty things lurking just beneath the surface.

  • That's usuаllу hоw thеу start, thе young оnеs. Meaningless waffle.

  • I'm a love-it-or-hate-it person. I don't waffle.

  • Life is too short to wonder where you hid your waffle maker.