Keith Mathison famous quotes

Last updated: Sep 5, 2024

  • Difficulties and obstacles are God's challenges to faith. When hindrances confront us in the path of duty, we are to recognize them as vessels for faith to fill with the fullness and all-sufficiency of Jesus.

  • God never can use any man very much till he has grace enough to forget himself entirely while doing God's work; for He will not give His glory to another nor share with the most valued instrument the praise that belongs to Jesus Christ alone.

  • Jesus lives! the same comforting, helping, instructing, loving Elder Brother, as when John leaned on His bosom, as when He lifted Peter up from the waves, as when He dried Mary's tears with His, "Thy sins are forgiven thee." Jesus lives! the same almighty Saviour, Guide, Intercessor, as when He ascended to glory with the broken fetters of sin and death in His pierced hands.

  • There is not a command God gives to His children for which He does not provide the enablement for obedience.

  • While other creators make a big show of their art Mani Sir makes it look as though anyone can do what he does.

  • Yeah, I want to be liked, obviously. Everybody does.

  • It was very clear to me I wanted to be an actor when I got out into civilian life.

  • The clear-sighted do not rule the world, but they sustain and console it.

  • We can't understand the universe in any clear way without the supernatural.

  • I don't steer clear of genres. I simply haven't steered myself toward some of them.