Carly Schroeder famous quotes


  • But the lover's power is the poet's power. He can make love from all the common strings with which this world is strung.

  • We'd find more energy in the attics of American homes (through energy conservation measures) than in all the oil buried in Alaska.

  • It is ever the invisible that is the object of our profoundest worship. With the lover it is not the seen but the unseen that he muses upon.

  • In one line of his poem he said good fences make good neighbors. I'd like to think that Alaska and British Columbia working together can prove that we can be pretty darned good neighbors without fences.

  • For a justice of this ultimate tribunal [the U.S. Supreme Court], the opportunity for self-discovery and the occasion for self-revelation is great.

  • The loss of illusions and the discovery of identity, though painful at first, can be ultimately exhilarating and strengthening.

  • What matters are not the truths other people tell us or the practices that we are able to mimic, but the spiritual discoveries we make through personal investigation.

  • The fishing was good; it was the catching that was bad.

  • The only ones to profit from illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing are the owners of the fishing fleets who remain hidden behind veils of corporate secrecy.

  • Bragging may not bring happiness, but no man having caught a large fish goes home through an alley.