Donald Wildmon famous quotes


  • Sport is how poor kids from poor countries pass through the eye of the needle to riches and recognition.

  • God requires no person to spend his or her life reiterating the gospel to people who will not receive it. He wants everyone to have an opportunity to hear. Then He would have us move on to other areas. The mistake of the church has been that she sits down to convert all the people in one country to the neglect of the great masses who have never had the chance to hear the gospel - not even once!

  • I am a big admirer of Sachin and his personality. He is a source of inspiration for the country and just looking at his photographs gives a lot of positive vibes.

  • I don't believe in asking God for anything. If I am worthy, He will give it to me. I think we should earn his blessings; I have never believed in mannats.

  • It is vital that people "count their blessings:" to appreciate what they possess without having to undergo its actual loss.

  • I think America right now is looking for somebody who appeals to every faction.

  • So I had this completely unrealistic idea of what America was — but I wanted to be there.

  • I think we can see how blessed we are in America to have access to the kind of health care we do if we are insured, and even if uninsured, how there is a safety net. Now, as to the problem of how much health care costs and how we reform health care ... it is another story altogether.

  • Gore speaks to America as if English is its second language; George W. speaks as if English is his second language.

  • Over all, there are now more people under “correctional supervision” in America-more than six million-than were in the Gulag Archipelago under Stalin at its height.