Louis Horst famous quotes

Last updated: Sep 5, 2024

  • Oh, 'tis jesting, dancing, drinking Spins the heavy world around.

  • Ballet technique never becomes easy, it becomes possible

  • Some men are more interesting than their books but my book is more interesting than its man.

  • It's difficult for me to feel that a solid page without the breakups of paragraphs can be interesting. I break mine up perhaps sooner than I should in terms of the usage of the English language.

  • That was interesting." "He deliberately countermanded one of my orders." "He was furtive." "Sneaky, even." "We'll make a Rebellion-style pilot of him yet." Tycho & Wedge (about Jag)

  • I'm always looking, as an actor, for activities. I think it's far more interesting to watch what people do than what they say. You always want to watch behavior, because the dialogue as written by our illustrious leaders is great. Eminently playable.

  • There are bullfighters who do it just for the money-they are worthless [said Hemingway]. The only one who matters is the bullfighter who feels it, so that if he did it for nothing, he would do it just as well. Same holds true for damn near everyone.

  • Funny... I still can't believe in God." "Does that matter now?"..."He believes in you.

  • Animals keep you company when you're really lonely. It helps because when you have a friend around who always likes you no matter what - it's harder to feel bad or down.

  • Nothing new here, except my marrying, which to me is a matter of profound wonder.