Thomas Fuller famous quotes

50 minutes ago

  • Do we not realize that self respect comes with self reliance?

  • One must be truthful with oneself about one's own motives, especially if one is to survive in the world. It takes rigor, and it takes courage.

  • Every new adjustment is a crisis in self-esteem.

  • Most fears of rejection rest on the desire for approval from other people. Don't base your self-esteem on their opinions.

  • Self-respect is the best of all.

  • But I wonder if there is a place I fit in?

  • He's not fit, either physically or biomechanically.

  • I'm sure if the punishment fits the crime, or is more severe, you're going to start stamping out a lot of things that are going on in football.

  • A shoe that fits one person pinches another.

  • Friendships that don't fit my life anymore have faded away, and new ones have come in.