Martin Fry famous quotes

50 minutes ago

  • Canada has an experience of governance of which much of the world stands in dire need. It is a world of increasing dissension and conflict in which a significant contribution is the failure of different ethnic, tribal, religious, or social groups to search for, and agree upon, a common space for harmonious co-existence.

  • These are the multinationals, like General Motors and Nestle; these are the big industrial groups that weigh, on the monetary scale, much more than big countries like Egypt.

  • Unless you have a sense of values that's shared by people and turns them loose to do certain things on their own within those sets of values, the organization, whether a nation or corporation or citizen group, just doesn't work very well.

  • It is emphatically the case that life could not arise spontaneously in a primeval soup from its kind.

  • He who fears to weep, should learn to be kind to those who weep.

  • How shameful. How predictable! How insipid. And how sweet.

  • I'm not a predictable black liberal.

  • I like shows that have some level of intelligence to them. When it's not as predictable, when you don't know what's coming at you.

  • Shane looked…pale. Pale and shaken and—how predictable was this?—pissed.

  • He's about as predictable as a Wasp on speed.

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