Betsy Rawls famous quotes

Last updated: Sep 5, 2024

  • The Old Testament is responsible for more atheism, agnosticism, disbelief - call it what you will - than any book ever written; it has emptied more churches than all the counterattractions of cinema, motor bicycle and golf course.

  • Little Bobby Jones of Atlanta is really a fine player, and shows every indication of becoming a tremendous great one, once he is master of himself, which must come with maturity.

  • Once you have your practice and you have your mechanics, you must be able to go out there and trust your mechanics.

  • Thankfully we had a big drive there in the fourth quarter after the fumble to put us up 11, and then the big drive to finish the game.

  • The open ocean often takes you past your physical limits and when it does, sailing becomes a mental game.

  • The World Series is played in my doubtless too-nostalgic imagination in some kind of autumn afternoon light, and seeing it exclusively in the bitter chill of midnight breaks the spell of even the best of games.

  • The highest summit of spiritual perfection is knowledge of the Supreme Personality of Godhead.

  • Religion becomes a state of mind achievable in almost any activity of life, if this activity is raised to a suitable level of perfection.

  • There is a danger of changing too much in the search for perfection.

  • I don't like perfection - I think it's dangerous. There is nothing after perfection.