JoAnne Carner famous quotes


  • Extremely large greens breed slovenly play. When any green ceases to command respect, it loses its value as a test of that rarest of all strokes, the shot home.

  • I always wanted to be a golfer, only I realised that if I'd played golf I would have been skint.

  • Don't worry about your caddie. He may be an irritating little wretch, but for eighteen holes he is your caddie.

  • I never kick my ball in the rough or improve my lie in a sand trap. For that I have a caddie.

  • Nobody but you and your caddie care what you do out there, and if your caddie is betting against you, he doesn't care, either.

  • I never really worked with Chris Farley, I hung out with him, but I had plans, I had big plans, movies, and I was in no hurry.

  • I've hung out and dated people I've never even met before.

  • Witchcraft was hung, in History, But History and I Find all the Witchcraft that we need Around us, every Day -

  • I never played drunk. Hung over, yes, but never drunk.

  • The dead elm leaves hung like folded bats.