Maxine Cheshire famous quotes


  • You have to enjoy your job; you should wake up every day and love what you do... I honestly do... From the bottom of my heart to the depths of my soul. I'm truly happy.

  • Well, I've thought many times when my career was in the toilet, that I was going to have to seriously consider getting another job, I don't know what I'd do.

  • Sometimes things are the way they are and can't be changed, other times it's because no one ever tried. Your job is to find the latter.

  • I, talking about my children, of course I wanted them to succeed in life, they have to choose whatever job or occupation that they want, I will not try to influence.

  • Every man is said to have his peculiar ambition.

  • My only ambition when I came to Hollywood was to pay my rent.

  • And it blew my mind when I started to get wind of the fact that they actually liked me being around. That was humbling, because Kentucky basketball is a big deal, and I am not the biggest fan - I am just the most notorious one.

  • As attorney general, Ive had some connection with just about every important public issue in the last eight years in Kentucky. All of the important public issues of the day have, at some point.

  • Kentucky wants to occupy some clock

  • My vision for Kentucky is a Commonwealth where there is so much economic opportunity, and our quality of life is so high, that people who are born here can stay here, and people who aren't fortunate enough to be born in Kentucky, can look forward to locating here.

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