Rick Fields famous quotes

50 minutes ago

  • We begin life with the natural, next we come into the spiritual; but then, when we have truly received the kingdom of God and His righteousness, the natural is added to the spiritual, and we are able to receive the gifts of His providence and the blessings of life without becoming centered in them or allowing them to separate us from Him.

  • The holy name of Krishna has extraordinary spiritual potency because the name of God is nondifferent from God Himself.

  • By the grace of the spiritual master the cloud of the mercy of the Personality of Godhead is brought in, and then only, when the rains of Krishna consciousness fall, can the fire of material existence be extinguished.

  • You should not be carried away by the dictation of the mind, but the mind should be carried by your dictation.

  • To be free from bondage the wise person must practise discrimination between One-Self and the ego-self. By that alone you will become full of joy, recognising Self as Pure Being, Consciousness and Bliss.

  • There are certain truths which stand out so openly on the roadsides of life, as it were, that every passer-by may see them. Yet, because of their obviousness, the general run of people disregard such truths or at least they do not make them the object of any concious knowledge. People are so bliend to some of the simplest facts in everyday life that they are highly surprised when somebody calls attention to what everybody ought to know.

  • Our words can have power that we don’t think we have in everyday life. Anyone can make a difference!

  • When I swore that you're getting more and more beautiful everyday. Well, I was only kidding, honey.

  • Everyday hundreds of people came to the hospital... dying, and I have to introduce life into them again... my duty was to compete with death.

  • Coping with the demands of everyday life would be exceedingly trying if one could arrive at solutions to problems only by actually performing possible options and suffering the consequences.