Paul McDonald famous quotes


  • Rather than making money I believe in making people happy, all other things are secondary. Money isn't important, creative satisfaction is

  • Every creative act draws on the past whether it pretends to or not. It draws on what it knows. There's no such thing, really, as a creative act in a vacuum.

  • Creative people are more prone to depression.

  • Creative freedom is a huge carrot.

  • I know that you should always say yes to adventures or you'll lead a very dull life.

  • Death should take more care with his paperwork.

  • The stage has been reached where our armed forces should withdraw beyond the borders It's not the end. It's the start of a new era.

  • How should they answer?

  • I have to be more universal than my projects, but no less innovative,

  • If you can keep learning, you can still do your thing, and keep singing or whatever, and still do innovative things.