Sri Chinmoy famous quotes
Gratitude is the sweetest thing in a seeker's life- in all human life. If there is gratitude in your heart, then there will be tremendous sweetness in your eyes.
-- Sri Chinmoy -
Be sincere in your thoughts, Be pure in your feelings. You will not have to run after happiness. Happiness will run after you.
-- Sri Chinmoy -
It is not human nature to enjoy what we get with no effort.
-- Sri Chinmoy -
To be rich is to give a smile with no expectation of return.
-- Sri Chinmoy -
Silence is not silent. Silence speaks. It speaks most eloquently. Silence is not still. Silence leads. It leads most perfectly.
-- Sri Chinmoy -
Unless and until we have peace deep within us, we can never hope to have peace in the outer world. You and I create the world by the vibrations that we offer to it. If we can invoke peace and then offer it to somebody else, we will see how peace expands from one to two persons, and gradually to the world at large. Peace will come about in the world from the perfection of individuals. If you have peace, I have peace, he has peace, and she has peace, then automatically universal peace will dawn.
-- Sri Chinmoy -
Love the world With your heart's dreams. Serve the world With your life's promises.
-- Sri Chinmoy -
If failure has the strength to turn your life into bitterness itself, then patience has the strength to turn your life into the sweetest joy. Do not surrender to fate after a single failure. Failure, at most, precedes success.
-- Sri Chinmoy -
The inner light actually comes from the soul; it is already inside us. The moment we can have free access to our soul, we will see that this light is coming to the fore to permeate our whole outer existence.
-- Sri Chinmoy -
If we feel inwardly strong, we will have no need or desire to speak ill of others.
-- Sri Chinmoy -
I am very happy Because I have conquered myself And not the world. I am very happy Because I have loved the world And not myself.
-- Sri Chinmoy -
Keep an open heart To allow the world Lovingly and faithfully To come in.
-- Sri Chinmoy -
If we call ourselves children of God, then others are also children of God.
-- Sri Chinmoy -
There is only one perfect road and that road is ahead of you, always ahead of you.
-- Sri Chinmoy -
Judge nothing, you will be happy. Forgive everything, you will be happier. Love everything, you will be happiest.
-- Sri Chinmoy -
Meditation is acceptance. It is the acceptance of life within us, without us and all around us. Acceptance of life is the beginning of human satisfaction.
-- Sri Chinmoy -
If we know the divine art of concentration, if we know the divine art of meditation, if we know the divine art of contemplation, easily and consciously we can unite the inner world and the outer world.
-- Sri Chinmoy -
No price is too great to pay for inner peace.
-- Sri Chinmoy -
Cry within. Meditate within. Dive within. Your inner achievements will far outweigh your outer imperfections.
-- Sri Chinmoy -
True success is the only thing that you cannot have unless and until you have offered it to others.
-- Sri Chinmoy -
O dreamers of peace, come. Let us walk together. O lovers of peace, come. Let us run together. O servers of peace, come. Let us grow together.
-- Sri Chinmoy -
One of the main faults of a fool is that he never changes his mind.
-- Sri Chinmoy -
Peace is something tangible. It silences the outgoing energy of the mind and feeds the aspiring heart. Peace is not merely the absence of quarreling and fighting. True peace is not affected by the roaring of the world, outer or inner. This sea of peace is at our command if we practise the spiritual life.
-- Sri Chinmoy -
Let us not worry about the future. Let us only do the right thing Today, At this moment, Here and now. Let the future take care of itself.
-- Sri Chinmoy -
True inner joy is self-created It does not rely on any outer circumstances A river is flowing in and through you carrying the message of joy. This divine joy is the sole purpose of life.
-- Sri Chinmoy -
I compete only with myself, and I try to become a better human being. This is my goal.
-- Sri Chinmoy -
Gratitude is not a mere word; it is not a mere concept. It is the living breath of your real existence on earth.
-- Sri Chinmoy -
Now is the time to make good use of time. Today is the day to begin a perfect day.
-- Sri Chinmoy -
Life is nothing but the expansion of love. We can cultivate divine love by entering into the Source. The Source is God, who is all Love.
-- Sri Chinmoy -
Love is the only wealth that man absolutely needs. Love is the only wealth that God precisely is.
-- Sri Chinmoy -
If you have true gratitude, it will express itself automatically. It will be visible in your eyes, around your being, in your aura. It is like the fragrance of a flower. In most cases if there is a beautiful flower, the fragrance will be there naturally. The flower and its fragrance cannot be separated.
-- Sri Chinmoy -
If you really want to love humanity, then you have to love humanity as it is now.
-- Sri Chinmoy -
The difficulty is that we try to perfect others before we perfect ourselves.
-- Sri Chinmoy -
Do not try to entrap others with your haughty knowledge. To your wide surprise, they will entrap you with their lengthy ignorance.
-- Sri Chinmoy -
When I meditate, I feel I am vast, very vast.
-- Sri Chinmoy -
Your soul has a special mission. Your soul is supremely conscious of it. Maya, illusion or forgetfulness, makes you feel that you are finite, weak and helpless. This is not true. You are not the body. You are not the senses. You are not the mind. These are all limited. You are the soul, which is unlimited. Your soul is infinitely powerful. Your soul defies all time and space.
-- Sri Chinmoy -
An unaspiring person believes according to what he achieves. An aspiring person achieves according to what he believes.
-- Sri Chinmoy -
When your heart's gratitude comes to the fore, when you become all gratitude, this gratitude is like a flow, a flow of consciousness. When your consciousness is flowing, feel that this gratitude-flow is like a river that is watering the root of the tree and the tree itself. It is always through gratitude that your consciousness-river will grow and water the perfection-tree inside you.
-- Sri Chinmoy -
If we live in our oneness-heart, we will feel the essence of all religions which is the love of God. Forgiveness, compassion, tolerance, brotherhood and the feeling of oneness are the signs of a true religion.
-- Sri Chinmoy -
Meditation is silence. Silence is God In His Infinity's Smile.
-- Sri Chinmoy -
If you want to remain always happy, Always perfect and always fulfilled, Then always keep inside your heart A pocketful of sweet dreams.
-- Sri Chinmoy -
Even the tiniest of hopes can show me the way to arrive at my goal.
-- Sri Chinmoy -
Inside each one of us is a beautiful flower garden. This is the garden of the soul. With each lesson we learn, the garden grows. As we learn together, our individual gardens form a tranquil paradise.
-- Sri Chinmoy -
I meditate So that I can inundate My entire being With the omnipotent Power of peace.
-- Sri Chinmoy -
Peace does not mean the absence of war, peace means the presence of harmony, love, satisfaction and oneness. Peace means a flood of love in the world family.
-- Sri Chinmoy -
When we meditate we expand, spreading our wings like a bird, trying to enter consciously into Infinity, Eternity and Immortality, welcoming them into our aspiring consciousness. We see, feel and grow into the entire universe of Light-Delight.
-- Sri Chinmoy -
There comes a time in the seeker's life when he discovers that he is at once the lover and the beloved. The aspiring soul which he embodies is the lover in him. And the transcendental Self which he reveals from within is his Beloved.
-- Sri Chinmoy -
The very nature of kindness is to spread. If you are kind to others, today they will be kind to you, and tomorrow to somebody else.
-- Sri Chinmoy -
If you have inner peace, nobody can force you to be a slave to the outer reality.
-- Sri Chinmoy -
Your heart must become a sea of love. Your mind must become a river of detachment.
-- Sri Chinmoy -
The meditation that gives you immediate joy or continuous joy is the best meditation for you. Everyone will not have the same meditation. Your meditation will not suit me, my meditation will not suit you. You like a certain food, I don't like it. You are right in your own way I am right in my own way. But once you know what your best meditation is, please stick to it.
-- Sri Chinmoy -
When you are right, everything around you is right, for the beautiful flow that is inside your heart has the capacity to spread its fragrance of oneness-light all around you.
-- Sri Chinmoy -
A spiritually established life is not an easy task. But a materially satisfied life is an impossible task.
-- Sri Chinmoy -
Real joy means immediate expansion. If we experience pure joy, immediately our heart expands. We feel that we are flying in the divine freedom-sky. The entire length and breadth of the world becomes ours, not for us to rule over, but as an expansion of our consciousness. We become reality and vastness.
-- Sri Chinmoy -
When you really have something to offer to the world, then you can become truly humble. A tree when it has no fruit to offer, remains erect. But when the tree is laden with fruit, it bends down. If you are all pride and ego, then nobody will be able to get anything worthwhile from you. When you have genuine humility, it is a sign that you have something to offer to mankind.
-- Sri Chinmoy -
There comes a time in the seeker's life when he discovers that he is at once the lover and the beloved.
-- Sri Chinmoy -
Man invents war. Man discovers peace. He invents war from without. He discovers peace from within. War man throws. Peace man sows. The smile of war is the flood of human blood. The smile of peace is the love, below, above.
-- Sri Chinmoy -
Every day there is only one thing to learn: how to be honestly happy.
-- Sri Chinmoy -
Complete and total perfection will come about only when we feel that our perfection is no perfections as long as the rest of humanity remains imperfect.
-- Sri Chinmoy -
By hating that person, you have lost something very sweet in yourself.
-- Sri Chinmoy -
No matter how fleeting Your smile is, Your smile is the very beginning Of your wisdom-light.
-- Sri Chinmoy -
Try not to change the world. You will fail. Try to love the world. Lo, the world is changed. Changed forever.
-- Sri Chinmoy -
Determination can change your mind. Determination can change your heart. Determination can change your life altogether.
-- Sri Chinmoy -
You hate someone whom you really wish to love, but whom you cannot love. Perhaps he himself prevents you. That is a disguised form of love.
-- Sri Chinmoy -
Just one smile Immensely increases the beauty Of the universe.
-- Sri Chinmoy -
Be kind, be all sympathy, For each and every human being Is forced to fight against himself.
-- Sri Chinmoy -
Hope is sweet. Hope is illumining. Hope is fulfilling. Hope can be everlasting. Therefore, do not give up hope, Even in the sunset of your life.
-- Sri Chinmoy -
I did not come into the world to prove anything. I came into the world to love everyone and everything.
-- Sri Chinmoy
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