Francis Gary Powers famous quotes

50 minutes ago

  • Tell me what you think and then tell me what the really smart person in the room who disagrees with you thinks.

  • To the man who only has a hammer, everything he encounters begins to look like a nail.

  • People look at me, and they go, 'You're white, you're smart, you must have went to college. You must have grown up with money.'

  • She flew like a bird, only faster.

  • Men are rapists, batterers, plunderers, killers; these same men are religious prophets, poets, heroes, figures of romance, adventure, accomplishment, figures ennobled by tragedy and defeat. Men have claimed the earth, called it 'Her'. Men ruin Her. Men have airplanes, guns, bombs, poisonous gases, weapons so perverse and deadly that they defy any authentically human imagination.

  • There is no conclusive proof of Unidentified Flying Objects flying over India-China border.

  • For humans, flying isn't magic, it's physics.

  • The apocalypse is now! Americans know this, that the only hope is the flying saucers. Do you know how I see the world? Like a person who is dying. It's a worm who is dying to make a butterfly. We must not stop the worm from dying, we must help the worm to die to help the butterfly to be born. We need to dance with death. This world is dying, but very well. We will make a big, big enormous butterfly. You and I will be the first movements in the wings of the butterfly because we are speaking like this.

  • There is a thrill of vulnerability at all airshows. There is no way of making everything completely safe. When the machines are being thrashed to capacity and the pilots are flying at their limits to dazzle, things are bound to go wrong sometimes. There have been some historic disasters, but the danger is a part of the attraction.

  • The English have an extraordinary ability for flying into a great calm.

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