Lucy Pinder famous quotes

50 minutes ago

  • I wanted to make sure that I did one movie in my career that mothers hug me for.

  • One's mind has a way of making itself up in the background, and it suddenly becomes clear what one means to do.

  • I believe that decisions about the timing and manner of death belong to the individual as a human right. I believe it is wrong to withhold medical methods of terminating life painlessly and swiftly when an individual has a rational and clear-minded sustained wish to end his or her life.

  • Decisions are made by those who show up.

  • Most of society's decision making for young people happens without young people, and that could not happen without adultcentrism.

  • I'm not making every decision due to my children. But I do hope they never see some movies I'm doing. But I do want to do more family-friendly movies.

  • I do what I feel is right. I do not fear to walk on a new path and take risk.

  • With Climate Change as a Security Risk, WBGU has compiled a flagship report on an issue that quite rightly is rising rapidly up the international political agenda. The authors pull no punches on the likelihood of increasing tensions and conflicts in a climatically constrained world and spotlight places where possible conflicts may flare up in the 21st century unless climate change is checked. The report makes it clear that climate policy is preventative security policy.

  • I enjoy the risk of bungee-jumping. I used to pay money to do it. Now, it's the opposite. I get paid to do action.

  • I was not willing to give up because I was born to like taking risks and that is my way of life.

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