Julie Krone famous quotes


  • Pain hardens, and great pain hardens greatly, whatever the comforters say, and suffering does not ennoble, though it may occasionally lend a certain rigid dignity of manner to the suffering frame.

  • I dropped my phone on the floor and let the pain assail me. I'd given my heart away to someone who didn't want it. Even knowing that, I didn't regret it. I just wanted him to want me. I just wanted him to love me too.

  • I understood that pain was real and sometimes things didn't last. Sometimes you just had to enjoy it while it lasts and cherish it when it's gone.

  • Let Justice, blind and halt and maimed, chastise the rebel spirit surging in my veins, let the Law deal me penalties and pains And make me hideous in my neighbours' eyes.

  • Winning has a joy and discrete purity to it that cannot be replaced by anything else.

  • Della was my go all in. She was my winning hand. You can't play when you go all in and lose. I'm out." "No, you're not. This hand ain't over yet," Rush said.

  • We will win the battle for Africa, which is in effect a battle for Humanity.

  • You know that saying about how you don't know what you have until it's gone-I already did know what I had, and now that she's gone, I know even more.

  • The aura of uninvincibility has gone, if there is such a word.

  • When I'm gone, you'll be sitting in a cafe and say, "Do you remember Agnes?"