Page McConnell famous quotes

50 minutes ago

  • I can't stress how much my daughter is an inspiration to stay sober. When I come home and she opens those big blue eyes at me, it's the most amazing feeling I could ever feel.

  • I interned at Miramax and subsequently at Paramount because I was really curious about the future of entertainment - how were we going to get films online? While the inspiration for Box didn't come from that experience directly, it was very obvious that bigger businesses had a lot of slow processes and cumbersome technology.

  • We are not in a position in which we have nothing to work with. We already have capacities, talents, direction, missions, callings.

  • The most important innovation in medicine to come in the next 10 years: the power of the human hand.

  • The love she left behind will be the reason dreams are reached. She was the rock in a world that was crumbling. Her strength will remain. It’s in our hearts.

  • The '60s are gone, dope will never be as cheap, sex never as free, and the rock and roll never as great.

  • If you don't have sex and you don't do drugs, your rock 'n' roll better be awfully good.

  • I don't think rock 'n roll is necessarily a young man's game. I think Neil Young is just as rock'n'roll now as he was in his 20s. I'd like to think we can still be edgy and challenging.

  • I rush to add that I find the Web infinitely useful for rustling up information, settling arguments or locating the legends of rock stars.

  • There is this weird thing that happens, when you stop worrying so much about what other people think of suddenly start seeing what you think of you.

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