Rebecca McCann famous quotes

Last updated: Sep 5, 2024

  • Indulgence in animal killing for the taste of the tongue is the grossest kind of ignorance

  • Animals play a big part in my life, on tour or at home.

  • Even if we act immediately, the world is doomed to lose many of its animal and plant species and this inturn will reduce the ability of ecosystems to deliver vital services to human populations. The Red List gives all of us a practical tool for raising awareness of the biodiversity crisis and for forging new partnerships within the international community.

  • I really can't complain about actresses who get paid to be dumb. Most of us can't get paid to be smart.

  • I did rocks, all this dumb stuff. But now it's just trying to stay afloat and just get through the days.

  • Wherever I have gone in this country, I have found Americans.

  • Where has thou been all the dumb winter days When neither sunlight was nor smile of flowers, Neither life, nor love, nor frolic, Only expanse melancholic, With never a note of thy exhilarating lays?

  • Listening to the Fifth Symphony of Ralph Vaughan Williams is like staring at a cow for 45 minutes.

  • You’re a cow Give me some milk Or else go home

  • We have no leadership. They rule by herd. Nobody is in charge. It reminds me of a bunch of cows.

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