Robert Forman Horton famous quotes

Last updated: Sep 5, 2024

  • Wanderers eastward, wanderers west, Know you why you cannot rest? 'Tis that every mother's son Travails with a skeleton. Lie down in the bed of dust; Bear the fruit that bear you must; Bring the eternal seed to light, And morn is all the same as night.

  • The Bible says, 'The truth shall make you free.' But let's not forget it was Spiro Agnew who said that a good lie will keep you out of jail in the first place.

  • First steps are always the hardest but until they are taken the notion of progress remains only a notion and not an achievement.

  • Achievement has no color

  • Superior technical achievements - used correctly both strategically and tactically - can beat any quantity numerically many times stronger yet technically inferior.

  • There's only few people who have strength to honor someone's achievement without envy.

  • I don't know all the reasons for these achievements, but I know that I love what I do and I have never wanted to rest on my laurels.

  • Unless one is a genius, it is best to aim at being intelligible.

  • I have one aim—the grotesque. If I am not grotesque I am nothing.

  • The maxims tell you to aim at perfection, which is well; but it's unattainable, all the same.

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