#Lying Quotes #Achievement Quotes #Aim Quotes
“Vast quantities of U.S. bombers, tanks and guns have been sent against Ho Chi Minh and his freedom-fighters; and now we are told that soon it will be 'advisable' to send America GI's into Indo-China in order that the tin, rubber and tungsten of Southeast Asia be kept by the "free world"-meaning white Imperialism .”
“To go to law is for two persons to kindle a fire, at their own cost, to warm others and singe themselves to cinders; and because they cannot agree as to what is truth and equity, they will both agree to unplume themselves that others may be decorated with their feathers.”
“Since the age of 12, all my musical thinking has been influenced by Afro-American music.”
“Most of the drug CEOs I know, they're not themselves - they're what people want them to be. It's pretty obvious of the different drug executives. They're old white men, very buttoned up. They're appropriate, so to speak. I'm a little bit more irreverent, and I'm not going to change just because I have this job.”
“Make sure you pick good people to build your business with, as they'll determine 80 percent of your success.”
“The idea of devoting two years of my life to making a corporate product that looks and smells and tastes like a lot of other things out there with just a different trademark character is a bore.”
Source : Source: collider.com
“I'm very soulful. I grew up singing in church. When I sing a song, I like to feel what I'm singing.”
“When I get to my deathbed, I don't want to take my last breath and say, Well, how glorious. I've left the world my acting credits. I won't even think that.”
William Robertson Nicoll Journalist