Jonathan Blow famous quotes


  • My spelling is Wobbly. It's good spelling but it Wobbles, and the letters get in the wrong places.

  • The most difficult and complicated part of the writing process is the beginning.

  • I’m not a fan of ‘write what you know.’ If you don’t know, find out. I knew nothing about the Bible before I started writing ‘The Year of Living Biblically.’ That was kind of the point – to learn.

  • The primary requisite for writing well about food is a good appetite. Without this, it is impossible to accumulate, within the allotted span, enough experience of eating to have anything worth setting down.

  • Humility means that one should not be anxious to have the satisfaction of being honored by others.

  • I am grateful for - though I can't keep up with - the flood of articles, theses, and textbooks that mean to share insight concerning the nature of poetry.

  • Poetry leads us to the unstructured sources of our beings, to the unknown, and returns us to our rational, structured selves refreshed. Having once experienced the mystery, plenitude, contradiction, and composure of a work of art, we afterward have a built-in resistance to the slogans and propaganda of oversimplification that have often contributed to the destruction of human life. Poetry is a verbal means to a nonverbal source. It is a motion to no-motion, to the still point of contemplation and deep realization.

  • You can't be without passion. Passion means the possessiveness to be the best.

  • There are a lot of people who know me who can't understand for the life of them why I would got to work on something as unserious as baseball. If they only knew.

  • The bells they sound on Bredon, And still the steeples hum. "Come all to church, good people"- Oh, noisy bells, be dumb; I hear you, I will come.

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