Francois Fillon famous quotes


  • I don't have the feeling of being motivated by anger, revenge or frustration.

  • He put Ben Gay inside my jock strap and filled my tooth paste tube up with glue.

  • Getting inside the mind of a terrorist wasn't difficult at all. Even as children, human beings fabricate elaborate revenge fantasies. We're not a particular species. Check out popular video games.

  • To contact the deeper truth of who we are, we must engage in some activity or practice that questions what we assume to be true about ourselves.

  • Once you have your practice and you have your mechanics, you must be able to go out there and trust your mechanics.

  • I don't like to practice; I like spontaneity. When I don't play guitar for a week and I pick it up again, I play better.

  • All autonomous agencies and authorities, sooner or later, turn into self-perpetuating strongholds of conventional thought and practice.

  • No one can escape stress, but you can learn to cope with it. Practice positive thinking. . . seize control in small ways.

  • You have no control over what the other guy does. You only have control over what you do.

  • She who means no mischief does it all.

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