Bruno of Cologne famous quotes

50 minutes ago

  • I was raised Catholic, but my father's people were Methodist, so we went to both churches.

  • I was raised a Catholic and when you're raised a Catholic they don't teach you to think for yourself. You're taught not to think too deeply about things.

  • You can always tell the Catholic schools by the length of the cheerleaders' skirts.

  • Only the Catholic Church protested against the Hitlerian onslaught on liberty. Up till then I had not been interested in the Church, but today I feel a great admiration for the Church, which alone has had the courage to struggle for spiritual truth and moral liberty

  • Those who are seeking the true religion will never find it outside the Catholic Church alone, because, in every other religion, if they trace it up to the author, they will find some impostor whose imagination furnished a mass of sophisms and errors

  • You can't predict a show, that is the damndest thing, you can't predict if a show is going to work or not until it's on the air.

  • But a lot of shows, they pose questions and they give you a puzzle where there's no solution.

  • I couldn't tell if any frames were removed. Seen as a whole it shows that I have seen. Seeing you have 18 frames a second you can take out one or two and I couldn't tell.

  • When you're doing a radio show, you can express yourself.

  • Someone invent a NO LIFE alert so you can push a button and tons of people show up and hang out with you.