Kate Pierson famous quotes

50 minutes ago

  • The science of booby-trapping has taken a good deal of the fun out of following hot on the enemy's heels.

  • Matt Hock was the first person who showed me how much fun and how cool it can be to be a Christian,

  • Wouldn't you want to be indicted by the govenment for a high crime? It's a great thrill. It's an honor. It's a compliment. It's fun. I'm enjoying every minute of it!

  • Energy is a concept that has been coined by physicists. There is no observable thing known as energy anywhere.

  • In absolute terms, we may have to look at restricting the number of flights people take.

  • Volcanic action is essentially paroxysmal; yet Mr. Lyell will admit no greater paroxysms than we ourselves have witnessed-no periods of feverish spasmodic energy, during which the very framework of nature has been convulsed and torn asunder. The utmost movements that he allows are a slight quivering of her muscular integuments.

  • I really can't complain about actresses who get paid to be dumb. Most of us can't get paid to be smart.

  • Never complain of that of which it is at all times in your power to rid yourself.

  • The tourist may complain of other tourists; but he would be lost without them. He may find them in his way, taking up the best seats in the motors, and the best tables in the hotel dining-rooms; but he grows amazingly intimate with them during the voyage, and not infrequently marries one of them when it is over.

  • Complaining is finding faults, wisdom is finding solutions

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