Ruth Bancroft Law famous quotes

Last updated: Sep 5, 2024

  • The Christian is not obedient unless he is doing all in his power to send the Gospel to the heathen world.

  • I'm the world's expert on sterotypes held by academics about athletes and held by athletes about academics. To me, both of them are caricatures.

  • As I make my slow pilgrimage through the world, a certain sense of beautiful mystery seems to gather and grow.

  • And how am I to face the odds Of man's bedevilment and God's? I, a stranger and afraid In a world I never made.

  • Who made the world I cannot tell; 'Tis made, and here am I in hell. My hand, though now my knuckles bleed, I never soiled with such a deed.

  • I, a stranger and afraid, in a world I never made.

  • First Conjuration Addressed to Emperor Lucifer. Emperor Lucifer, Master and Prince of Rebellious Spirits, I adjure thee to leave thine abode, in what-ever quarter of the world it may be situated and come hither to communicate with me.

  • Priests might divide the world into good and bad. In battle there was strong and weak and nothing else.

  • The success of SYNC is another proof point that we are doing just that. We will continue to innovate and expand the capability of SYNC by integrating even more new technologies that fit our customers’ lifestyles.

  • A nation has a right to manage its own concerns as it thinks fit.